Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Chapter the Third, on the Isle of Pasadena

And so the HMS Fort Awesome didst sail for many moons upon the great waters of the West, and its crew didst witness all manner of creatures of legend. Yonder the sun shone brightly, and the crew didst marvel at its breathtaking beauty.

After sailing for some time, Dan Kelly approached the Captain and spake, "My captain, we hath sailed for some time, and I fear we must put in for provisions soon. I tire of hardtack and salted meat." And Captain Waltorious didst reply, "Yea, thou art correct. I shall see if there be'est a port near." And Aaron Esser-Kahn came to the Captain and spake, "Captain, I couldst not help but overhear, and I believe that we be'est not far from the fair Isle of Pasadena, where I spent much time in my studies. Perhaps we canst put in to port there."

And so the HMS Fort Awesome set a course for the Isle of Pasadena, and didst arrive within two days. She weighed anchor in a natural harbor, and the Captain didst meet with his crew, for he hadst heard that the people of the Isle of Pasadena, known as the Tribe of Caltech, do not always welcome visitors. "I studied here for some time, among the Tribe of Caltech," Aaron Esser-Kahn expoused. "I am sure they shalt welcome those whom I bring." And so the crew put to shore in the dingy.

The people of the Tribe of Caltech stood on the shore, for which to see who saileth the great vessel that hadst set anchor by their Isle. When they didst see Aaron Esser-Kahn, the people didst rejoice, and welcomed the Captain and all his crew. The women wert especially joyous to see Joe Batchelor, for he hadst visited yon Isle before, and made many friends amongst the females. The crew didst not see much of him during the visit.

The Tribe of Caltech didst quickly make friends of the rest of the Captain's crew as well. CEO Craig Schwak entertained many with tales of yon Bad Part, and of how the members of his Clan didst use their cunning and diplomacy to save on insurance and survive times of war. He wast adept at storytelling, knowing when to leave parts of a tale shrouded in mystery. When the people of the Tribe of Caltech didst ask him about these, he wouldst reply, "Thou dost put forth too many queries!", and they wert left to surmise. Dan Kelly awed the people with his great skill at the art of punnery, and soon hadst many people shaking with laughter. Keith Lawler impressed many with his capacity for the comsumption of alcohol, and didst perform feats of strength amidst cheers and proddings. And Captain Waltorious wast able to brag about his great vessel and noble crew.

The crew spent several days amongst the Tribe of Caltech, emojoying feasts with much fine food and drink, for the Tribe of Caltech wast most generous in its hospitality. But soon the crew hadst had sufficient rest, and it wast time again to set sail. The Captain didst thank the people of the Tribe for their great generosity, and for having giveth the provisions the HMS Fort Awesome required, and sent CEO Craig Schwak to find Joe Batchelor. Before putting out, Aaron Caltech came to the Captain and didst say, "Captain, I wouldst like you to meet my friend, Andrea Manzo." And Andrea Manzo didst introduce herself, and spake, "Captain, I hath completed my studies here on the Isle of Pasadena, and now must travel the world in search of new knowledge. I wouldst be honored if I couldst sail with thee upon thy fine vessel, for I hear that great knowledge is that which thou seekest as well." And Captain Waltorious didst reply, "Forsooth! Thy Tribe art the most generous and noble people I hath ever met. The honor wouldst be ours to have one of thy Tribe sail with us. I welcome thee to my humble vessel." And Keith Lawler didst cry, "And she possesseth yon futon!" "Then it is settled!" Aaron Caltech cried joyously.

And so the HMS Fort Awesome didst weigh anchor once again, fully stocked and with an addition to her noble crew. The Tribe of Caltech didst wave farewell while the sails were unfurled, and the great ship didst cut through the waves, heading out to the great seas. The crew gazed with renewed vigor out into the distance, in search of wisdom and valor upon the vast waters, where few creatures and fewer men hadst ever ventured.

For the ladies.