Sunday, April 23, 2006

Just last night I spoke with Elvis

And We went out on a shopping spree.

So I decided someone actually needs to update this mofo since like 27,352 people have access to update this (email me if you want to be added, although presumably since no one ever updates no one is reading this) and no one ever does. So this will sound far more like a blog post than anything I ever have posted before or probably ever will, cause it gives some vague insight into my life, however slim. In the future I'll avoid that for you, the reader, since trust me you wouldn't like me if you, the reader, knew what I was up to. Let me summarize, it's not appropriate for small children.

Well first I figured I should put a linky to the very method by which you are reading this

New Built to spill came out recently, which was pretty good.

My birthday happened so I talked to alot of people who I forgot to talk to for a while, cause everyone remembers my birthday for some reason.

This weekend I got invited to a whole Bunch of things, yet went to none of them.

All right, maybe someone else will update this piece.

People Say That I Don't Understand What It Takes To Want To Be Your Man. I Don't Care Much For That, I Don't Know Why.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have seen that linky with the man, but the caption read "I'm not hungover, I'm still drunk. Haha."

7:10 PM  

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